Todo sobre el trading en los mercados financieros: funcionamiento, dudas, noticias, etc.
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Registrado: 06 Sep 2004 10:18


Mensaje por X-Trader »

Pues nada, resulto que yo ni creo en la Astrología ni en Elliott ni en nada de nada pero el 23 de Marzo recibí este correo y visto lo que ha pasado, asusta un poco, la verdad. Yo pensaba que justamente con estas predicciones, el Oro haría justo lo contrario pero...
We expect Gold would hit USD$1200 or even $1500 in 2008, from the current level of $500, long one contract would realize $70k to $100k profits in year 2008. This haven't consider pyramid buying. So this is really called a lifetime speculative opportunity to be a millionire.

Year 2006 is the year for Jupiter/Saturn Square, something similar to 1918,1946,1972,1978..and next year,, 2007, the Gold market will repeat what it did in year 1979!!!!

Here is some example that we use.
Gold is rule by Sun and Jupiter, and Neptune rule inflation..

1. This gold bull from 2001 April 2, when Jupiter and Neptune make a almost Trine., at same time, Sun and Mars get involved with this setup..

2. 2004 Dec 4, when Jupiter and Neptune make another Trine aspect, at the same time. Sun get involved with this pattern, Gold start to plummet.

3. 2006 Feb 6, when Jupiter and Neptune make Square, at the same time. Sun get involved with this p attern, Gold down 20 bucks in one day!

So in 2006 Mar. 25.. when Jupiter and Neptune make another Square, and both Venus and Mars get involved with thhis setup, what would happen to Gold????

Another concept that we use is progressed cycle, for example. When the Mars create a high during it pass 27 degree of Leo. It won't do the same thing when it pass 27 degree Leo again, it will create progressed low when it pass 27 degree Virgo, 28 degree Libra, and 29 degree Scorpio..of course this is just a example. Things just like this in Horoscope:

Look at all these lows in Gold market after 2001 bull..
2002 Mar(3)
2003 April(4)
2004 May(5)
2005 June(6).

Do they saying that we will have a low this year in July???

For details, please visit:

Ahora me envian esto otro, ¿acertarán de nuevo?:
Are you ready for a Gold/Silver/Crude Oil market crash, especially for Silver in coming month?? We are still long term bullish these commodity, but we have to see this crash first before the final run!!!

US lead Kosov war on 1999 Mar. 24, and Iraq war on 2003 Mar. 20, these two dates, plus a key date in 2006 May, all share a same aspects/cluster and degree together, foretell that USA will initiate a war against Iran in 2006 May with great high possibility.

Did Uncle Sam have another choice to defend US Dollars????

Uncle Sam won't let dollar goes down, won't let Iran threaten US! Uncle Sam will show strength in coming month and take action to defend US Dollars and benefits!!!

Many financial advisor expect a 1979 type for precious metal, we say BIG NO, Why?? Jupiter is Squaring Saturn in 2006, and the big time for these market is a little while to go!!!!

What would happen If Uncle Sam attack Iran, if Gold or Silver won't take 1979 path for near term, just look what Silver did in 2004 April. There would be a 30% drop for Silver, or $4-5 drop will happen inevitably.

No matter how high Silver will go next month, it will have to back to $10 before July!!.

We will have a top in May and a bottom in July for metals market, and Silver will drop $4-5 dollars. How much you can make in buying put options in this coming Silver crash, you do the math!!!

Considering following case.

1. What the US will do in current Iran nuclear crisis?, with both Jupiter and Uranus trine US natal Sun!!!

2. What the major event will happen in current Saturn-North Node trine aspects? In the past, it always got involved with the loss of people's life.

3. Moon's North Node will move back into Pisces this June, and do you think Gold/Oil won't have a good correction before that date?

Can you afford a serious market crash in Oil/Gold/Silver market? What about Oil drop $10-$15, Silver drop $4-$5, Gold drop $100-150 just in a few weeks? Can you afford that?
Como encima acierten el mes en que se inicia la guerra contra Irán, me acojono del todo!!! :shock:

Un saludo
"Los sistemas de trading pueden funcionar en ciertas condiciones de mercado todo el tiempo, en todas las condiciones de mercado en algún momento del tiempo, pero nunca en todas las condiciones de mercado todo el tiempo."
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Mensajes: 12832
Registrado: 06 Sep 2004 10:18

Mensaje por X-Trader »

Bueno pues ahora dicen esto:
Even we bullish gold for long term, gold just have back to USD$550 area before next major leg up..astro cycle say gold will bottom in July-August of 2006 and will be siginificantly higher after Jupiter ingress Sagitarius. and will touch USD$1600 before 2008 Nov.
Astro pattern also suggest a real war threat bwtween USA/Israel and Iran on 2006 June 18th.. gold seem always bearish these kinds of news like 2001 Afgan war and 2003 Iraq war, but gold could drop 3-4 weeks before the war break.
A ver que pasa...

Un saludo
"Los sistemas de trading pueden funcionar en ciertas condiciones de mercado todo el tiempo, en todas las condiciones de mercado en algún momento del tiempo, pero nunca en todas las condiciones de mercado todo el tiempo."
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Registrado: 18 Feb 2005 12:12


Mensaje por wilder »

El 18 de junio,uff entonces oportunidad de compra por esas fechas quizas. :roll:
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