incluir 2 indicadores en un solo script (Bandas de Bolliger y Auto Fib Extension)

El espacio del Foro donde compartir indicadores y estrategias creados con el lenguaje de la plataforma TradingView.
Mensajes: 3
Registrado: 03 Abr 2023 00:22

incluir 2 indicadores en un solo script (Bandas de Bolliger y Auto Fib Extension)

Mensaje por JJTrader »


Es posibles incluir 2 indicadores tales como Bandas de Bolliger y Auto Fib Extension en un solo script.

Agradezco su orientación

Estos son los script de cada indicador:

Bandas de Bollinger

indicator(shorttitle="BB", title="Bollinger Bands", overlay=true, timeframe="", timeframe_gaps=true)
length =, minval=1)
src = input(close, title="Source")
mult = input.float(2.0, minval=0.001, maxval=50, title="StdDev")
basis = ta.sma(src, length)
dev = mult * ta.stdev(src, length)
upper = basis + dev
lower = basis - dev
offset =, "Offset", minval = -500, maxval = 500)
plot(basis, "Basis", color=#2962FF, offset = offset)
p1 = plot(upper, "Upper", color=#bbbdc2, offset = offset)
p2 = plot(lower, "Lower", color=#bbbdc2, offset = offset)
fill(p1, p2, title = "Background", color=color.rgb(33, 150, 243, 95))

Bear = high >= upper
Bull = low <= lower

plotshape(Bear, style=shape.triangledown, location=location.abovebar,, size=size.tiny)
plotshape(Bull, style=shape.triangleup, location=location.belowbar,, size=size.tiny)

// Alert Functionality
alertcondition(Bear or Bull, title="Any Signal", message="{{exchange}}:{{ticker}}" + " {{interval}}")
alertcondition(Bear, title="Bearish Signal", message="{{exchange}}:{{ticker}}" + " {{interval}}")
alertcondition(Bull, title="Bullish Signal", message="{{exchange}}:{{ticker}}" + " {{interval}}")

Aut Fib Extension

indicator("Auto Fib Extension", overlay=true)

depthTooltip = "The minimum number of bars that will be taken into account when calculating the indicator."
depth ="Depth", defval=10, minval=2, inline = "Pivots", tooltip=depthTooltip)
reverse = input(false, "Reverse")
var extendLeft = input(false, "Extend Left    |    Extend Right", inline = "Extend Lines")
var extendRight = input(true, "", inline = "Extend Lines")
var extending = extend.none
if extendLeft and extendRight
extending := extend.both
if extendLeft and not extendRight
extending := extend.left
if not extendLeft and extendRight
extending := extend.right
prices = input(true, "Show Prices")
levels = input(true, "Show Levels", inline = "Levels")
levelsFormat = input.string("Values", "", options = ["Values", "Percent"], inline = "Levels")
labelsPosition = input.string("Left", "Labels Position", options = ["Left", "Right"])
backgroundTransparency =, "Background Transparency", minval = 0, maxval = 100)

upperThreshold = 0.236
lowerThreshold = 1.0

import TradingView/ZigZag/5 as zigzag

pivots(src, length, isHigh) =>
if bar_index >= length
price = nz(src[length])
found = true
for i = 0 to length * 2
if (isHigh and src > price) or (not isHigh and src < price)
found := false
if found[length], price)

var line lineLastHL = na
var line lineLastLH = na
var line lineLast = na

var zigzag.Point[] pivotsH =<zigzag.Point>()
var zigzag.Point lastH = na
var zigzag.Point[] pivotsL =<zigzag.Point>()
var zigzag.Point lastL = na

var isHighLast = false
var float startPrice = na
var float endPrice = na

H = pivots(high, depth / 2, true)
L = pivots(low, depth / 2, false)

countPivotsH = array.size(pivotsH)
countPivotsL = array.size(pivotsL)

if countPivotsH > 0 and countPivotsL > 0
lastH := array.get(pivotsH, countPivotsH-1)
lastL := array.get(pivotsL, countPivotsL-1)
isHighLast := >
if isHighLast
if not na(H)
if H.price > lastH.price
array.set(pivotsH, countPivotsH-1, H)
H := na
if not na(L)
if L.price < lastL.price
array.set(pivotsL, countPivotsL-1, L)
L := na

if not na(H)
array.push(pivotsH, H)

if not na(L)
array.push(pivotsL, L)

if barstate.islast and array.size(pivotsH) > 0 and array.size(pivotsL) > 0
pivotsHCopy = array.copy(pivotsH)
pivotsLCopy = array.copy(pivotsL)
while array.size(pivotsHCopy) > 0 and array.size(pivotsLCopy) > 0
lastH := array.pop(pivotsHCopy)
lastL := array.pop(pivotsLCopy)

isHighLast := >
pivots = isHighLast ? pivotsHCopy : pivotsLCopy

for i = array.size(pivots)-1 to 0
if i < 0
p = array.get(pivots, i)
if <
betterPrice = isHighLast ? p.price > lastH.price : p.price < lastL.price
if p.price > lastH.price
lastH := array.pop(pivots)
array.remove(pivots, i)

if array.size(pivotsHCopy) == 0 or array.size(pivotsLCopy) == 0

isHighLast := >
pivots := isHighLast ? pivotsHCopy : pivotsLCopy

prevPivot = array.get(pivots, array.size(pivots)-1)
startPrice := prevPivot.price

if isHighLast
endPrice := lastL.price
diff = math.abs(startPrice - endPrice)
if lastH.price > endPrice + diff * lowerThreshold or lastH.price < endPrice + diff * upperThreshold
array.push(pivotsLCopy, lastL)
lineLastHL :=, prevPivot.price,, lastL.price,, width=1, style=line.style_dashed, xloc = xloc.bar_time)
lineLastLH :=, lastL.price,, lastH.price,, width=1, style=line.style_dashed, xloc = xloc.bar_time)
lineLast := lineLastLH
endPrice := lastH.price
diff = math.abs(startPrice - endPrice)
if lastL.price < endPrice - diff * lowerThreshold or lastL.price > endPrice - diff * upperThreshold
array.push(pivotsHCopy, lastH)
lineLastLH :=, prevPivot.price,, lastH.price,, width=1, style=line.style_dashed, xloc = xloc.bar_time)
lineLastHL :=, lastH.price,, lastL.price,, width=1, style=line.style_dashed, xloc = xloc.bar_time)
lineLast := lineLastHL
diff = (isHighLast ? -1 : 1) * math.abs(startPrice - endPrice)
offset = isHighLast ? line.get_y1(lineLastLH) - line.get_y2(lineLastLH) : line.get_y1(lineLastHL) - line.get_y2(lineLastHL)
offset := (isHighLast ? -1 : 1) * math.abs(offset)
[endPrice - offset, diff, lineLast]

[endPrice, diff, lineLast] = update()

_draw_line(price, col) =>
var id =, price, time, price, color=col, width=1, extend=extending, xloc = xloc.bar_time)
if not na(lineLast)
line.set_xy1(id, line.get_x1(lineLast), price)
line.set_xy2(id, line.get_x2(lineLast), price)

_draw_label(price, txt, txtColor) =>
if not na(price)
x = labelsPosition == "Left" ? line.get_x1(lineLast) : not extendRight ? line.get_x2(lineLast) : time
labelStyle = labelsPosition == "Left" ? label.style_label_right : label.style_label_left
align = labelsPosition == "Left" ? text.align_right : text.align_left
labelsAlignStrLeft = txt + '\n ‏ ‏ ‏ ‏ ‏ ‏ ‏ ‏ ‏ ‏ ‏ ‏ ‏ ‏ ‏ ‏ ‏ ‏ ‏ ‏ ‏ ‏ ‏ ‏ ‏ ‏ ‏ ‏ ‏ ‏ ‏ ‏ ‏ ‏ ‏ \n'
labelsAlignStrRight = ' ' + txt + '\n ‏ ‏ ‏ ‏ ‏ ‏ ‏ ‏ ‏ ‏ ‏ ‏ ‏ ‏ ‏ ‏ ‏ ‏ ‏ ‏ ‏ ‏ ‏ ‏ ‏ ‏ ‏ ‏ ‏ ‏ ‏ ‏ ‏ ‏ ‏ \n'
labelsAlignStr = labelsPosition == "Left" ? labelsAlignStrLeft : labelsAlignStrRight
var id =, y=price, text=labelsAlignStr, textcolor=txtColor, style=labelStyle, textalign=align, color=#00000000, xloc = xloc.bar_time)
label.set_xy(id, x, price)
label.set_text(id, labelsAlignStr)
label.set_textcolor(id, txtColor)

_wrap(txt) =>
"(" + str.tostring(txt, format.mintick) + ")"

_label_txt(level, price) =>
if not na(price)
l = levelsFormat == "Values" ? str.tostring(level) : str.tostring(level * 100) + "%"
(levels ? l : "") + (prices ? _wrap(price) : "")

_crossing_level(sr, r) =>
(r > sr and r < sr[1]) or (r < sr and r > sr[1])

processLevel(show, value, colorL, lineIdOther) =>
float m = value
r = endPrice + ((reverse ? -1 : 1) * diff * m)
if show
lineId = _draw_line(r, colorL)
_draw_label(r, _label_txt(m, r), colorL)
if _crossing_level(close, r)
alert("Autofib: " + syminfo.ticker + " crossing level " + str.tostring(value))
if not na(lineIdOther), lineIdOther, color =, backgroundTransparency))

show_0 = input(true, "", inline = "Level0")
value_0 = input(0, "", inline = "Level0")
color_0 = input(#787b86, "", inline = "Level0")

show_0_236 = input(true, "", inline = "Level0")
value_0_236 = input(0.236, "", inline = "Level0")
color_0_236 = input(#f44336, "", inline = "Level0")

show_0_382 = input(true, "", inline = "Level1")
value_0_382 = input(0.382, "", inline = "Level1")
color_0_382 = input(#81c784, "", inline = "Level1")

show_0_5 = input(true, "", inline = "Level1")
value_0_5 = input(0.5, "", inline = "Level1")
color_0_5 = input(#4caf50, "", inline = "Level1")

show_0_618 = input(true, "", inline = "Level2")
value_0_618 = input(0.618, "", inline = "Level2")
color_0_618 = input(#009688, "", inline = "Level2")

show_0_65 = input(false, "", inline = "Level2")
value_0_65 = input(0.65, "", inline = "Level2")
color_0_65 = input(#009688, "", inline = "Level2")

show_0_786 = input(true, "", inline = "Level3")
value_0_786 = input(0.786, "", inline = "Level3")
color_0_786 = input(#64b5f6, "", inline = "Level3")

show_1 = input(true, "", inline = "Level3")
value_1 = input(1, "", inline = "Level3")
color_1 = input(#787b86, "", inline = "Level3")

show_1_272 = input(false, "", inline = "Level4")
value_1_272 = input(1.272, "", inline = "Level4")
color_1_272 = input(#81c784, "", inline = "Level4")

show_1_414 = input(false, "", inline = "Level4")
value_1_414 = input(1.414, "", inline = "Level4")
color_1_414 = input(#f44336, "", inline = "Level4")

show_1_618 = input(true, "", inline = "Level5")
value_1_618 = input(1.618, "", inline = "Level5")
color_1_618 = input(#2962ff, "", inline = "Level5")

show_1_65 = input(false, "", inline = "Level5")
value_1_65 = input(1.65, "", inline = "Level5")
color_1_65 = input(#2962ff, "", inline = "Level5")

show_2_618 = input(true, "", inline = "Level6")
value_2_618 = input(2.618, "", inline = "Level6")
color_2_618 = input(#f44336, "", inline = "Level6")

show_2_65 = input(false, "", inline = "Level6")
value_2_65 = input(2.65, "", inline = "Level6")
color_2_65 = input(#f44336, "", inline = "Level6")

show_3_618 = input(true, "", inline = "Level7")
value_3_618 = input(3.618, "", inline = "Level7")
color_3_618 = input(#9c27b0, "", inline = "Level7")

show_3_65 = input(false, "", inline = "Level7")
value_3_65 = input(3.65, "", inline = "Level7")
color_3_65 = input(#9c27b0, "", inline = "Level7")

show_4_236 = input(true, "", inline = "Level8")
value_4_236 = input(4.236, "", inline = "Level8")
color_4_236 = input(#e91e63, "", inline = "Level8")

show_4_618 = input(false, "", inline = "Level8")
value_4_618 = input(4.618, "", inline = "Level8")
color_4_618 = input(#81c784, "", inline = "Level8")

show_neg_0_236 = input(false, "", inline = "Level9")
value_neg_0_236 = input(-0.236, "", inline = "Level9")
color_neg_0_236 = input(#f44336, "", inline = "Level9")

show_neg_0_382 = input(false, "", inline = "Level9")
value_neg_0_382 = input(-0.382, "", inline = "Level9")
color_neg_0_382 = input(#81c784, "", inline = "Level9")

show_neg_0_618 = input(false, "", inline = "Level10")
value_neg_0_618 = input(-0.618, "", inline = "Level10")
color_neg_0_618 = input(#009688, "", inline = "Level10")

show_neg_0_65 = input(false, "", inline = "Level10")
value_neg_0_65 = input(-0.65, "", inline = "Level10")
color_neg_0_65 = input(#009688, "", inline = "Level10")

lineId0 = processLevel(show_neg_0_65, value_neg_0_65, color_neg_0_65, line(na))
lineId1 = processLevel(show_neg_0_618, value_neg_0_618, color_neg_0_618, lineId0)
lineId2 = processLevel(show_neg_0_382, value_neg_0_382, color_neg_0_382, lineId1)
lineId3 = processLevel(show_neg_0_236, value_neg_0_236, color_neg_0_236, lineId2)
lineId4 = processLevel(show_0, value_0, color_0, lineId3)
lineId5 = processLevel(show_0_236, value_0_236, color_0_236, lineId4)
lineId6 = processLevel(show_0_382, value_0_382, color_0_382, lineId5)
lineId7 = processLevel(show_0_5, value_0_5, color_0_5, lineId6)
lineId8 = processLevel(show_0_618, value_0_618, color_0_618, lineId7)
lineId9 = processLevel(show_0_65, value_0_65, color_0_65, lineId8)
lineId10 = processLevel(show_0_786, value_0_786, color_0_786, lineId9)
lineId11 = processLevel(show_1, value_1, color_1, lineId10)
lineId12 = processLevel(show_1_272, value_1_272, color_1_272, lineId11)
lineId13 = processLevel(show_1_414, value_1_414, color_1_414, lineId12)
lineId14 = processLevel(show_1_618, value_1_618, color_1_618, lineId13)
lineId15 = processLevel(show_1_65, value_1_65, color_1_65, lineId14)
lineId16 = processLevel(show_2_618, value_2_618, color_2_618, lineId15)
lineId17 = processLevel(show_2_65, value_2_65, color_2_65, lineId16)
lineId18 = processLevel(show_3_618, value_3_618, color_3_618, lineId17)
lineId19 = processLevel(show_3_65, value_3_65, color_3_65, lineId18)
lineId20 = processLevel(show_4_236, value_4_236, color_4_236, lineId19)
lineId21 = processLevel(show_4_618, value_4_618, color_4_618, lineId20)
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Mensajes: 235
Registrado: 22 Jun 2010 07:57

Re: incluir 2 indicadores en un solo script (Bandas de Bolliger y Auto Fib Extension)

Mensaje por Gibranes »

No utilizo TraderdingView uso ninjatrader, en mi plataforma el problema que planteas lo soluciono así:
Creo el chart añado los indicadores para ese chart y lo guardo en una plantilla, al usar esa plantilla ya se carga el chart con los indicadores deseados. No sé si tu plataforma tiene esa opción.
Mensajes: 27
Registrado: 12 Sep 2022 00:15

Re: incluir 2 indicadores en un solo script (Bandas de Bolliger y Auto Fib Extension)

Mensaje por gu5tavo71 »


Para unir dos indicadores, por lo general solo tenés que eliminar un para de lineas del segundo indicador:

Código: Seleccionar todo

No posteo tu codigo completo, porque son mas de 300 lineas. Es muy largo.
Podes descarga tu script unificado desde
Senior PineScript Developer
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Mensajes: 3
Registrado: 03 Abr 2023 00:22

Re: incluir 2 indicadores en un solo script (Bandas de Bolliger y Auto Fib Extension)

Mensaje por JJTrader »

Gibranes escribió: 03 Abr 2023 08:38 Hola:
No utilizo TraderdingView uso ninjatrader, en mi plataforma el problema que planteas lo soluciono así:
Creo el chart añado los indicadores para ese chart y lo guardo en una plantilla, al usar esa plantilla ya se carga el chart con los indicadores deseados. No sé si tu plataforma tiene esa opción.
Gracias por la respuesta y el dato de la plataforma que usas, en Tradingview ya intente lo que me recomendaste y salto el error por el uso de los 2 indicadores al mismo tiempo.
Mensajes: 3
Registrado: 03 Abr 2023 00:22

Re: incluir 2 indicadores en un solo script (Bandas de Bolliger y Auto Fib Extension)

Mensaje por JJTrader »

gu5tavo71 escribió: 03 Abr 2023 15:44 Hola

Para unir dos indicadores, por lo general solo tenés que eliminar un para de lineas del segundo indicador:

Código: Seleccionar todo

No posteo tu codigo completo, porque son mas de 300 lineas. Es muy largo.
Podes descarga tu script unificado desde
Excelente gu5tavo71, funciono muy bien, totalmente agradecido!!
Si te ha gustado este hilo del Foro, ¡compártelo en redes!


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